CLEVELAND, OH--If the virus epidemic keeps up its current growth trend, within months a healthy computer could be difficult to find. During the fourth quarter of 1991, corporations with 300 or more personal computers will have a 65% chance of encountering a computer virus, and during 1992 and thereafter, virtually 100% of organizations will encounter a virus at least once each quarter. About 18% of corporations will experience a computer virus disaster during the first quarter of 1992, according to a study by Dataquest, Inc. Growing exponentially, the chance of a virus encounter or disaster is presently doubling every four to five months, according to Peter Tippett, president and founder of Certus International Corporation and the author of the leading theory on the world-wide growth of computer viruses. More than 1,000 strains have been identified, many of which are rapidly circulating around the country. Headquartered in Cleveland, the firm specializes in the development of innovative DOS-based PC systems security and anti-virus software, most notably Certus and NOVI. NOVI, an acronym for "No Virus", was rated first in overall effectiveness of anti-virus programs by Software Digest in an analysis performed by the National Software Testing Laboratory earlier this year. "Viruses today are becoming increasingly sophisticated," said Tippett, the country's foremost expert on the subject. "Now we're seeing stealth and encrypted viruses hide from traditional virus scanners." Only about half of all viruses are designed to be malicious in intent. Some of these erase data, insert messages on the screen or even make all the letters fall into a pile at the bottom of the screen. But even those which only are designed to replicate are dangerous. Often written by computer buffs testing their skills, viruses spread from contagious disk to disk and from infected computer to computer without their owner's or operator's knowledge. Memory is consumed and the viruses inevitably introduce "bugs" or system errors which eventually results in costly system crashes or down time. "Most companies are reluctant to divulge their contamination," said Dr. Tippett. "If the word gets out their database has been wiped out, their credibility can be destroyed, too. Consequently, many people are not aware of the severity of the problem." Certus International Corporation has developed two sophisticated safeguard programs which prevent, detect and repair computer viruses. NOVI 1.01 is a new product which was designed to deal invisibly and unobtrusively with computer viruses, especially in large organizations. It offers complete prevention, detection and repair of both known and unknown (future) viruses. A patent of the software is currently pending. NOVI's comprehensive features either prevent or detect and perfectly repair infection of program files caused by viruses. It also checks the boot sections and operating system of a computer's hard disk using a new, proprietary technology which bypasses the computer's operating system to verify the system and software integrity. Certus maintains the philosophy that scanning is not the solution to computer viruses. To support this belief with credence, NOVI 1.01 is the best and fastest scanner available; however, more importantly, NOVI protects against both known and unknown viruses, therefore no updates are necessary. "The only reason you will need updates for NOVI is to satisfy your curiosity about which virus it stopped," said Tippett. Certus 2.1/Certus LAN has evolved over more than three years as a powerful protection and security product. It was named PC Magazine's Editor's Choice along the way. Through its systems management approach, this unique software offers both central control and monitoring of all personal computers in an organization. Among its features are the control of all software execution throughout an organization, providing the ability to set and enforce standards to prevent software piracy as well as to prevent the running of all unauthorized software including security-busting software and computer viruses. Certus also provides auditing tools, fault tolerance facilities to prevent many machine and hard disk crashes, and a "Critical Disk" which allows for totally automatic recovery and up-to-the-minute repair of crashed hard disks and BootLock--which prevents hard disk access without a password. Both software programs are non-intrusive and user-installable, or "clone" installable by a system manager. Certus retails for $189; NOVI retails for $129. Multi-user packs are available at discounted rates. "Viruses today are so widespread that all PCs in large installations must be protected," said Dr. Tippett. "Random or periodic scanning is no longer an effective technique." Certus International Corp 13110 Shaker Square, Cleveland, OH 44120 216-752-8181 +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | From the America On-Line & PC-Link New Product Info Services | +===============================================================+ | This information was processed with OmniPage Professional OCR | | software (from Caere Corp) & a Canon IX-30 scanner from data | | provided by the above mentioned company. For additional info, | | contact the company at the address or phone# indicated above. | | All submissions for this service should be addressed to | | BAKER ENTERPRISES, 20 Ferro Drive, Sewell, NJ 08080 U.S.A. | +---------------------------------------------------------------+